How to change the hostname and context path of web-UI-app URL in WSO2 SP-based Analytics
WSO2 SP-based-Analytics-products have different web-UI-apps to display different kinds of statistics depending on the product (APIM, IS, or EI). Apps such as portal, policies, monitoring, and business-rules. If you are familiar with WSO2 Analytics products, you know that when the Analytics dashboard server is started we are given URLs to access the respective web-UI-apps. These URLs are shown in the carbon log.
For example, if we start an EI-Analytics dashboard server the following loglines will appear in the carbon log.
INFO {org.wso2.carbon.uiserver.internal.deployment.listener.AppTransportBinder} — Web app ‘portal’ is available at ‘https://x.x.x.x:9643/portal'.
As you can see the URL is given in the format ‘ IP-address: port/web-UI-app’ (x.x.x.x:9643/portal).
Suppose we want to change the IP address into a hostname. And, for the demonstration, we will say the hostname we need to add is ‘dashboard-server’.
To proceed with that, we have to navigate to the configuration file of the dashboard in the below path:
Open the .yaml file and add the required hostname under the section “wso2.transport.http: listenerConfigurations” as shown below.
- id: "default-https"
host: "dashboard-server"
port: 9643
scheme: https
keyStoreFile: "${carbon.home}/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks"
keyStorePassword: wso2carbon
certPass: wso2carbon
(Please note that this hostname should be mapped in the /etc/hosts file with the IP-address.)
After the modification, if we restart the server, the URL will be given like this in the carbon log.
INFO {org.wso2.carbon.uiserver.internal.deployment.listener.AppTransportBinder} — Web app ‘portal’ is available at ‘https://dashboard-server:9643/portal’.
So our URL looks like this → ‘https://dashboard-server:9643/portal’
Now let’s see how we can change the name of the web-UI-app. Here our app is the portal. So to change ‘/portal’ part to another name, let’s say ‘ei-dashboard’, we have to edit the same deployment.yaml file of the dashboard.
Open it and add the following configuration block to the file (This doesn't come in the default config file).
# configurations for the Portal app
contextPath: "/ei-dashboard"
After this modification, if we restart the server, the URL will be given like this in the carbon log.
INFO {org.wso2.carbon.uiserver.internal.deployment.listener.AppTransportBinder} — Web app ‘portal’ is available at ‘https://dashboard-server:9643/ei-dashboard’.
So to summarize in one sentence, we changed the URL from https://x.x.x.x:9643/portal to https://dashboard-server:9643/ei-dashboard
Hope this will be useful to you! Cheers!